miercuri, ianuarie 21, 2009

Valea Oltului văzută de pe Muntele Cozia

În epoca noastra, plina de poluare, unde orasele sunt supraaglomerate si nu mai ai loc de masini, unde se înalta tot timpul cutii imense, care mai de care mai înalte, ne face uneori sa ne dorim sa evadam. Eu unul, tot timpul am cautat altceva decat aceste locuri urbane, am cautat locuri unde aerul e mai curat si-l poti respira cu pofta, si unde in alta parte pot fi aceste locuri decat pe munte.Nu ma plang ca m-am nascut la oras, atata timp cat stiu ca exista meleaguri care abi asteapta sa fie strabatute la pas de catre iubitorii de munte.Din Valcea, varful Cozia se vede din mai multe locuri. Cei cu vedere spre rasarit, care nu au alte cladiri in fata, il pot admira chiar si de la geam, nu de putine ori l-am admirat chiar eu, cand de pe dig cand de pe la prieteni cu vedere corespunzatoare, si tot timpul am ravnit la acest maret munte. Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu mi-a fost dat prea mult sa astept si in plus a meritat toata asteptarea mea, caci am decis sa ma apropii mai mult si am ales sa urcam,e drept, pe un traseu anevoios, unde potecile nu sunt prea batatorite, unde te ghidezi doar dupa marcaje, iar crestele sunt acoperite de nameti in perioada de iarna, dar odata ajuns in varf, am fost vrednic sa ma bucur de frumusetile care mi-au fost date sa le admir. Astfel de taramuri nu le vei uita niciodata, ele deschid in tine un izvor ce nu va seca si chiar daca nu vei mai avea ocazia sa ajungi prin astfel de locuri, amintirile vor ramane nemuritoare.

(From Lina Odeh Hattar: In our age the cities are too crowded, everything is polluted. Billions of cars and endless sky scrapers surround the man. All we want is to escape from this too high developed metropolitan life.
I always searched for something else far away from these urban places where the air is cleaner and cooler. And I found all these in the high mountains.
I do not complain for being born and raised in a city as long as I know there are wonderful paths and high peaks which expect us to discover and explore them. The Cozia Peak rules over my town Rm. Valcea. The people can see him on the East of the town. I used to watch it from my window or to go on the dyke and dream about the day when I will visit it again. I must admit I did not waited too long because my wish came true. When I started to climb I felt like I was in another world, another dimension, much different from what I used to. The path was abruptly ascending through old oaks I could feel the blossom of the fallen leaves on the ground. When I reached the top I felt like a giant, like a master, like the lord of the entire world that lied under my feet. For giving this kind of feelings the man should love and protect more the nature with all its amazing pictures.)

Răsărit pe Cozia

Sălbăticia la ea acasă

Cabana Cozia

Vedere spre Munţii Făgaraş

Valea Oltului dimineaţa devreme

Dimineaţa pe Cozia

Deasupra mânăstirii Turnu

Apusul văzut de pe Cozia

marți, ianuarie 20, 2009

Mai mult decat un vis (Much more than a dream)

Intotdeauna am visat ca zbor, daca fac o mica statistica, am avut un astfel de vis cam o data la cel putin doua luni. Poate o sa radeti, dar in visurile mele ma vad zburand ca eroul Superman. Ei bine, am avut sansa de a zbura, dar nu ca in vis, ci ca in realitate, cu avionul. Spre deosebire de alte persoane nu am avut niciodata rau de avion, in ciuda faptului ca am rau de inaltime, sau teama, dar asta cand ma aflu pe munte, in schimb in avion nu am nici cea mai mica senzatie de frica, ci pentru mine, de fiecare data cand sunt in avion am senzatia ca traiesc un vis si cand privesc pe fereastra, parca vad o alta lume, cu toate ca am avut ocazia sa zbor de mai multe ori.

(I always dreamed that I was flying. I have had to make statistics I should say that I have dreamed that I was flying once every two months. I know it seems funny but in my dreams I fly as Superman does.
Well, I flied. But not as in my dreams; I flied with an airplane. Although many people have air-sickness I am quite relaxed because I always enjoy traveling by plane. Every time I get on a plane I feel like I am living my dream to fly. I watch the window and I feel like having wings.)

Bosfor bridge

Deasupra Istanbulului

Mai sus decat norii

joi, ianuarie 15, 2009

Yerebatan Sarnici

This underground structure was known as the “Basilica Cistern” as its was built underneath the Stoa Basilica, a large public square on the First Hill of Constantinople. According to ancient historians, Emperor Constantine had already constructed a structure, which was rebuilt and enlarged by Emperor Justinian after the Nika riots of 532. It provided water for the Great Palace of Constantinople and other buildings on the First Hill, and continued to provide water to the Topkapi Palace after the Ottoman conquest in 1453 and into modern times.

Medusa column bases

The bases of two of the columns reuse earlier blocks carved with the head of a Medusa. They are located in the northwest corner of the cistern. The origin of the two heads is unknown, though it is rumoured that the heads were brought to the cistern after being removed from an antique building of the late Roman period. Another mystery is why one of the heads is upside down, while the other is tilted to one side. It is commonly accepted by scientists that they were placed that way deliberately.

luni, ianuarie 12, 2009