Intotdeauna am visat ca zbor, daca fac o mica statistica, am avut un astfel de vis cam o data la cel putin doua luni. Poate o sa radeti, dar in visurile mele ma vad zburand ca eroul Superman. Ei bine, am avut sansa de a zbura, dar nu ca in vis, ci ca in realitate, cu avionul. Spre deosebire de alte persoane nu am avut niciodata rau de avion, in ciuda faptului ca am rau de inaltime, sau teama, dar asta cand ma aflu pe munte, in schimb in avion nu am nici cea mai mica senzatie de frica, ci pentru mine, de fiecare data cand sunt in avion am senzatia ca traiesc un vis si cand privesc pe fereastra, parca vad o alta lume, cu toate ca am avut ocazia sa zbor de mai multe ori.
(I always dreamed that I was flying. I have had to make statistics I should say that I have dreamed that I was flying once every two months. I know it seems funny but in my dreams I fly as Superman does.
Well, I flied. But not as in my dreams; I flied with an airplane. Although many people have air-sickness I am quite relaxed because I always enjoy traveling by plane. Every time I get on a plane I feel like I am living my dream to fly. I watch the window and I feel like having wings.)